Thursday, July 16, 2009

Eulogy for mom

Death is not too high a price to pay for having lived.
Mountains never die, nor do the seas or rocks or endless sky.
Through countless centuries of time, they stay eternal, deathless.
Yet they never live!
If choice were there, I would not hesitate to choose mortality.
Whatever Fate demanded in return for life I’d give, for never to have seen the fertile plains nor heard the winds nor felt the warm sun on sands beneath a salty sea, not touched the hands of those I love – without these, all the gains of timelessness would not be worth a day of living and of loving; come what may.
There are no words to deal with our pain, and there are no words to describe my mother. I will try and do justice to her remarkable character, strength, beauty, love, and passion for life. She raised us all so well, she gave us all a remarkable strength and stability, and the fruits of her parenting are so clear when I think of my sisters and brother. I thank her for that, and for raising me in the same way.
On the surface, my mother would not impress many people nor stand out as being extraordinary, but she was and always will be just that to me. The strength she’s conveyed over the years amazes me. Raising 5 children alone would be a difficult task for anyone, but mom did it and seldom complained. From the time I was old enough to learn, she was always willing to teach. She taught me that though life is not always fair, it is always life and it’s there to be lived. Among the many gifts she gave me, she gave me my voice, my sense of humor, my compassion and my ability to love. I would not be the man I am today without her. I am proud to be my mother’s son.
She never had many friends, but was always friendly to those around her. She never had a lot of money, but she was rich with love. We may not have had everything we wanted growing up, but we were sure to have what we needed. I will remember my mother as being a strong woman. Working her entire life to ensure that we were taken care of. I think about the sacrifices she has had to make for us, and how up until I was old enough to understand, I took her for granted. Fortunately I realized that years before today.
She loved her children unconditionally, always telling us that no matter what we did in life or who we were, she would always love us. I am living proof of that unconditional love and hope that I can equally match her in that capacity in my own life. The one constant that I could always depend on was that mom would be there when I needed her. Though I may never see her again in physical form, I am positive that she will always be with me. Just a prayer or whisper away, always in my thoughts and in my heart.
Mom was always the center of our family. Trying to get us to spend the holidays together when we could. She never forgot a birthday and no matter how much money she had, she always made sure we had gifts, but the greatest gift she ever gave us was her love. She was a good Christian woman, always witnessing to her children and teaching us of God’s love. I know that God has made a place for her in heaven and that she is at peace with the Lord.
Mom, I love you more than life itself. Everything you are and everything you have done will help not only me, but also everyone here to get through this time. I cannot say goodbye to you, because I’ll see you in my dreams and whenever I look up, I know you’ll be there smiling down on me and guiding me. I will call your name forever, and you will always answer forever. I will love and miss you.