Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ego and Evil

One thing I am tired of and/or can do without.

I get so bored of the day to day drama of people I don't know or don't care to know. I have tried my entire life to live drama free and I intend to keep it that way. From time to time I think it's important for us to weed out the "bad" people in our lives. I did this recently with a few friends that thought the universe revolved around them. I'm afraid not, boys. Always something, always an issue, always drama, trauma, jealousy, and hate. If your life is so boring or uninteresting that you have to spread gossip, repeat lies, or make up stories, then you're just not someone I want in my life.

I never understood the need to build up your own ego by talking about other people. Does this really help or are you further damaging your already fragile sense of self worth? I know that what goes around comes around, and I want only good things to come back around to me and those I love. What does it behoove you to ruin someones life because they have different opinions, different likes or dislikes? IS it really that satisfying to drag someones name and reputation through the mud? What do you gain by such hate?

I know from personal experience on both sides of the drama line that it does nothing to boost your own confidence to hurt someone else with words or threats. If you are going to talk about someone, have the respect for yourself and them to say it to their face. Discuss issues or just let it go. Fools and imbeciles trade ego for evil and I don't have room or time for someone that does not love their own self or others. Respect.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ramblings #1

So, this is my first blog and I wanted to state something profound, something that no one has ever thought of or blogged about this possible? Doubtful, so let's just talk about me!

I'm the middle child of 17, not all full blood...thank god! I grew up in a small town in northern California and moved to Tulsa, OK when I was about 15. I was resistant at first, but have since grown to love Tulsa. It's a quiet little city, far from the hurry up and die lifestyle of CA. I've grown roots here and made a lot of close friends. It was a bit more difficult growing up gay in Oklahoma than I imagine it would have been in CA, but I did it and survived. I bounced from one relationship to another in search of something substantial and finally found it 15 years later. It's funny, in the gay community, when you are younger, you think that life ends after 25...for me it began. I had established myself, found a wonderful partner, bought a house, and had a career. Everything just sort of fell into place. I guess I'm am lucky in that sense. That's not to say I didn't go through some youthful drama, but it just seems so trivial now, just as youth always seems to be once you're old enough to appreciate it. The feeling that you will never find love, that no one knows how you feel or what you're going through. It all just seemed to melt away and I found myself a man without reservations as to what I wanted or how to get it. Now I have a wonderful life and it just gets better. I try to keep positive about it. You have to or it's just not worth living.

So that's me rambling on as usual. I'm sure that this blog will get better with all things do, so bear with me. I'm still learning and always will be. I refuse to take other people's blogs as guidance. If I wouldn't be mine. It wouldn't be who I am. Feel free to leave me feedback, it's always welcome.