Thursday, June 11, 2009

Offen Mistpronounced Werds

Now, I'm all one for mangling the English language in jest, but when people mispronounce words out of ignorance, it just gets under my skin. Here is a list of my top 10 hated word pronunciations.

1. EXpresso - Espresso
2. EXpecially - Especially
3. WaRsh - Wash
4. Urbs - Herbs
5. AcrosT - Across
6. FebUary - February
7. LiBary - Library
8. MaNnaise - Mayonnaise
9. NucUlar - Nuclear
10. SherbeRt - Sherbet


  1. Hurrah - I'm not alone!.
    My list revolves mostly around
    "th" is not "f"
    "g" is not "k"
    something not sumfink.
    nothing not nufink
    and if there's a "t" at the ned of a word, pronounce it!
    etc etc

    Good luck getting the H pronounced in Herb!
    Mx (grumpy old man)

  2. cor blimey me typin's **** innit?

  3. Yep, and people pronouncing or spelling "Mispronounced" with a "t" :)

  4. sherbet is an odd one- its like we add the R. But im not sure how I would react to someone pronouncing it correctly.
